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NGO_Vleeptron (aka "Bob from Massachusetts") recently featured LIVE on BBC WORLD SERVICE, heard briefly by Gazillions!!!

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Location: Great Boreal Deciduous Hardwood Forest, New England, United States

old dude, all hair, swell new teeth

04 August 2005

unclaimed pizza

Maybe it's because I haven't been able to actually send anybody any pizza yet, or maybe it's because the PizzaQ puzzles are too fiendishly difficult, or too lame ... but there's a lot of unclaimed pizza hanging around here. As I learned in college and during my Mythical Bachelor Decade, pizza goes stale after three or four weeks sitting around on the kitchen counter, so I'm only giving these PizzaQs a few more days for youse dudeusses and dudes to answer.

Hundreds of posts ago, in a thread that began with The Besbol Problem -- what's the distance from the pitcher's mound to 1st Base? -- the Vleeptron Ministry of Old-Style Hard-Ass Mathematics demanded that

the answer must be an expression that contains only Whole Numbers (non-zero integers), in any arrangement of addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and square rooting.

These were the rules the original Ancient Greek Ministry of Old-Style Hard-Ass Mathematics established, starting with The Master Pythagoras around 500 BC. Pythagoras and Euclid would have spat at any "answer" churned out on the 40-digit display of one of those new-fangled fancy-schmantzy expensive Graphing Calculators like


because it's not an EXACT or PERFECT quantity. And here on Vleeptron, we demand PERFECTION. (That's why we have a pin-up photo of Molly Ringwald on the wall.)

But then later I had a Brane Farte, and realized I had completely forgotten One More Rule of Ancient Greek Answer Perfection.

My bad. Shame on me. But I've remembered it now. Youse all got about 48 hours to submit your Rule Guess. You can skip the Vleeptron PizzaQ Honor System. Google your asses off.

* * * * *

This PizzaQ is perhaps a little more subtle, and is unGoogleable. You're just going to have to stare at this image of the cancellation stamp for the postage stamps of Tierra de los Sueños, and either you'll get it or you won't. (That's a function of How Smart You Are.)


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