News, Weather, Mozart, Sports, Eurovision Love Ænema & Perverted Videogames from Vleeptron

NGO_Vleeptron (aka "Bob from Massachusetts") recently featured LIVE on BBC WORLD SERVICE, heard briefly by Gazillions!!!

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Location: Great Boreal Deciduous Hardwood Forest, New England, United States

old dude, all hair, swell new teeth

01 August 2005

el Rey de España sings a very strange song

Have you noticed that the King of Spain / el Rey de España seems to be acting differently from the way he acted several years ago? It's almost as if he were an entirely changed, different man.

Well, he is an entirely different, changed man!

This song, by the Canadian a capella musical group Moxy Früvous,
tells the whole, strange, amazing story.

The Leafs are the hockey team the Toronto Maple Leafs. A Zamboni (invented by Sgr. Zamboni) is a tractor-like machine which comes out on the ice several times during a hockey game or an ice-skating show and smooths the surface of the ice.

Vleeptron is Very Sorry that it surfed the entire volume of the World Wide Web and could not find a MIDI -- the tune is really nifty, the tempo somewhat Reggae. Some guy has a bootleg .mp3 . But buy some music by Moxy whether in tangible or intangible form.

King of Spain
Copyright © Moxy Früvous

Once I was the King of Spain
(now I eat humble pie)
Oh ... my unspeakable wife, Queen Lisa!
(now I eat humble pie)

I'm telling you I was the King of Spain

(now I eat humble pie)
And now I work at the Pizza Pizza

Royalty! Lord, it looked good on me!
Buried in silk in the royal boudoir
Or going nuclear free

Or playing Crokinole
with the Princess of Monaco

Telling my jokes to the OPEC leaders
Getting it all on video

Once I was the King of Spain
(now I eat humble pie)
A palatial palace, that was my home
(now I eat humble pie)
I'm telling you I was the King of Spain
(now I eat humble pie)
And now I vacuum the turf at SkyDome
(once he was the King of Spain)

I can't wait!
I'm lowering interest rates!

My people say: "King, how are you such a genius?
There's a roof overhead and food on our plates!"

It's laissez-faire!
I don't even give a care

Let's make Friday part of the weekend
And give every new baby a chocolate eclair!

Once I was the King of Spain
(now I eat humble pie)
Hey Clinton! Hey Yeltsin! Got problems? You phone me!
(now I eat humble pie)

I'm telling you I was the King of Spain

(now I eat humble pie)
Now the Leafs call me up to drive the Zamboni
(once he was the King of Spain)

Now some of you are probably wondering how I came to be living in Canada after being royalty in Spain. Should I tell them, guys?

Tell us, King!

You see late one night when the palace was asleep
Out of my royal chambers and into the garden I creep
And I wait till the appointed time
when the moon is lighting the pitch
At which point my peasant friend,
who looks just like me,
Arrives and we make a switch!

Prince and pauper, junior and whopper
World made up of silver and copper
Out of my own volition
I took a change of position

So next time you drool in the pizza line
Remember: Slower pizza's more luscious!
The King of Spain never rushes!!!

Once I was the King of Spain
(now I eat humble pie)
I was looking for off-handed ways to improve us
(now I eat humble pie)
I'm telling you I was the King of Spain
(now I eat humble pie)
And now I'm jamming with Moxy Fr
(once he was the King of Spain)


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