News, Weather, Mozart, Sports, Eurovision Love Ænema & Perverted Videogames from Vleeptron

NGO_Vleeptron (aka "Bob from Massachusetts") recently featured LIVE on BBC WORLD SERVICE, heard briefly by Gazillions!!!

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Location: Great Boreal Deciduous Hardwood Forest, New England, United States

old dude, all hair, swell new teeth

01 August 2005

Frolich Confederation Tag! Everybody Sing! patspub: SPRACHE!

I thought I was a Smart Guy to know Switzerland has 4 languages.

I am a dumb guy. Switzerland has 5 languages!!!!

Help!!!! Hilfe!!!! Aidez-moi!!!! What's going on here? What's this 5th Lingo????

Anyway, Frolich Confederation/National Tag!

Go HERE, scroll down, there's a MIDI player to hear the tune.

(We'll start with deutsches so pats pub can refresh himself on the words.)



Trittst im Morgenrot daher,
Seh' ich dich im Strahlenmeer,
Dich, du Hocherhabener, Herrlicher!
Wenn der Alpen Firn sich rötet,
Betet, freie Schweizer, betet,
Eure fromme Seele ahnt
Gott im hehren Vaterland!
Gott, den Herrn, im hehren Vaterland!

Kommst im Abendglühn daher,
Find' ich dich im Sternenheer,
Dich, du Menschenfreundlicher, Liebender!
In des Himmels lichten Räumen
Kann ich froh und selig träumen;
Denn die fromme Seele ahnt
Denn die fromme Seele ahnt
Gott im hehren Vaterland!
Gott, den Herrn, im hehren Vaterland!

Ziehst im Nebelflor daher,
Such' ich dich im Wolkenmeer,
Dich, du Unergründlicher, Ewiger!
Aus dem grauen Luftgebilde
Bricht die Sonne klar und milde,
Und die fromme Seele ahnt
Und die fromme Seele ahnt
Gott im hehren Vaterland!
Gott, den Herrn, im hehren Vaterland!

Fährst im wilden Sturm daher,
Bist du selbst uns Hort und Wehr,
Du, allmächtig Waltender, Rettender!
In Gewitternacht und Grauen
Laßt uns kindlich ihm vertrauen!
Ja, die fromme Seele ahnt
Ja, die fromme Seele ahnt
Gott im hehren Vaterland!
Gott, den Herrn, im hehren Vaterland!


Sur nos monts, quand le soleil
Annonce un brillant réveil,
Et prédit d'un plus beau jour Le retour,
Les beautés de la patrie
Parlent à l'âme attendrie;
Au ciel montent plus joyeux
Les accents d'un coeur pieux,
Les accents émus d'un coeur pieux.

Lorsqu'un doux rayon du soir
Joue encore dans le bois noir,
Le coeur se sent plus heureux près de Dieu
Loin des vain bruits de la plaine
L'âme en paix est plus sereine;
Au ciel montent plus joyeux,
Au ciel montent plus joyeux,
Les accents d'un coeur pieux,
Les accents émus d'un coeur pieux.

Lorsque dans la sombre nuit
La foudre éclate avec bruit,
Notre coeur pressent encore le Dieu fort.
Dans l'orage et la détresse,
Il est notre forteresse.
Offrons-Lui de coeurs pieux
Offrons-Lui de coeurs pieux
Dieu nous bénira des cieux,
Dieu nous bénira du hauts des cieux.

Des grand monts vient le secours,
Suisse! espère en Dieu toujours!
Garde la foi des aïeux, vis comme eux!
Sur l'autel de la partrie
Met tes biens, ton coeurs, ta vie!
C'est le trésor précieux
C'est le trésor précieu
Que Dieu nous bénira des cieux,
Que Dieu nous bénira du hauts des cieux.


Quando il cielo di porpora
Nuovo dì colora,
Te rivela aurora,
O Signor!
Nel tripudio del mattino
A Te grato io m'inchino:
Libertà, concordia, amor,
All'Elvezia serba ognor,
All'Elvezia serba ognor.

Se di stelle è un giubilo
La celeste sfera,
Te ritrovo a sera,
Ô Signor!
Nella notte silenziosa
L'alma mia in Te riposa:
Libertà, concordia, amor,
Libertà, concordia, amor,
All' Elvezia serba ognor!
All' Elvezia serba ognor!

Quando tristi velano
Atre nubi il cielo,
Te presente anelo,
Ô Signor!
Se m'ascondi la Tua luce,
Il mio spirito a Te m'adduce:
Libertà, concordia, amor,
Libertà, concordia, amor,
All' Elvezia serba ognor!
All' Elvezia serba ognor!

Quando rugge e strepita
Impetuoso il nembo,
M'è ostel Tuo grembo,
Ô Signor!
In ti fido, onnipossente:
Deh, proteggi nostra gente:
Libertà, concordia, amor,
Libertà, concordia, amor,
All' Elvezia serba ognor!
All' Elvezia serba ognor!

SURSELVISCH LYRICS <<<<--- ???????

Cu las pezzas dal sulegl
Splendureschan bein marvegl,
Ves jeu Tei, sublim Signur,
Cu las brischan dall' aurora,
Ura, liber Svizzer, ura!
Ti has lu in sentiment,
Ti has lu in sentiment,
De tiu Bab sul firmament,
De tiu Bab, tiu Bab, sul firmament.

Cu il serendent sulegl
Resplendescha da smarvegl,
Anflel Tei, miu Creatur,
Vesel nundumbreirlas steilas,
Tarlischontas sco candeilas.
Jeu hai lu in sentiment,
Jeu hai lu in sentiment,
De tiu Bab sul firmament,
De tiu Bab, tiu Bab, sul firmament.

Cu orcans sut il sulegl
Mettan tut en discavegl,
Stai cun mei, o Directeur,
Els orcans ils pli sgarscheivels.
Su cun Tiu agid statteivels.
Jeu hai lu in sentiment,
Jeu hai lu in sentiment,
De tiu Bab sul firmament,
De tiu Bab, tiu Bab, sul firmament.

LADINISH <<<<------- ????

In l'aurora la daman
At cugnuoscha bain l'uman, Spiert etern dominatur,
Tuot pussant!
Cur ils munts straglüschan sura,
Ura, liber Svizzer, ura.
Tia orma sainta ferm,
Tia orma sainta ferm,
Dieu in tschêl, il Bap etern.
Dieu in tschêl, il Bap, il Bap etern.

Eir la saira in splendur
Da las stailas in l'azur
Tai chattain nus, creatur,
Cur cha 'l firmamaint sclarescha
In noss cours fidanza crescha.
Tia orma sainta ferm,
Tia orma sainta ferm,
Dieu in tschêl, il Bap etern!
Dieu in tschêl il Bap, il Bap etern!

Tü a nus nun est zoppà
Cur il tschêl in nüvlas sta,
Tü imperscrutabel spiert,
Tschêl e terra t'obedeschan
Vents e nüvlas secundeschan.
Tia orma sainta ferm,
Tia orma sainta ferm,
Dieu in tschêl, il Bap etern!
Dieu in tschêl il Bap, il Bap etern!

Eir l'orcan plü furius
Nun at muossa main a nus,
Sco il dirigent dal muond,
Eir in tempirals terribels
Sun teis vorderns bain visibels.
Tia orma sainta ferm,
Tia orma sainta ferm,
Dieu in tschêl, il Bap etern!
Dieu in tschêl il Bap, il Bap etern!


When the morning skies grow red
And o'er their radiance shed,
Thou, O Lord, appeareth in their light.
When the Alps glow bright with splendour,
Pray to God, to Him surrender,
For you feel and understand,
For you feel and understand,
That he dwelleth in this land.
That he dwelleth in this land.

In the sunset Thou art nigh
And beyond the starry sky,
Thou, O loving Father, ever near.
When to Heaven we are departing,
Joy and bliss Thou'lt be imparting,
For we feel and understand
For we feel and understand
That Thou dwellest in this land.
That Thou dwellest in this land.

When dark clouds enshroud the hills
And gray mist the valley fills,
Yet Thou art not hidden from Thy sons.
Pierce the gloom in which we cower
With Thy sunshine's cleansing power
Then we'll feel and understand
Then we'll feel and understand
That God dwelleth in this land.
That God dwelleth in this land.


from swissinfo:

* Having a Swiss National Day on August 1 was introduced at the end of the 19th century but it only became a national holiday in 1994.

* National Day marks the founding of the Swiss Confederation on August 1, 1291.

* Three alpine states signed a treaty on the Rütli Meadow that day pledging to act together to defend themselves against outside attack.

* The Swiss celebrate National Day with brunches, speeches, bonfires and fireworks.



Blogger Vleeptron Dude said...

Yes, but I didn't know they were TWO languages. I thought I was ahead of the game just to know they were ONE language. I'm confused. But I'll straighten it out.

Alas the UNESCO fellow must have come to the accurate conclusion that I'm crazy. But I really admire his work with the disappearing languages of Europe. And I weep when any language vanishes. A world vanishes with it.

Dava Sobel has a new(ish) book titled (and about) "Galileo's Daughter." Fascinating, just like "Longitude."

Sorry about the Heineken. There you are smack dab in Mitteleuropa and the only thing in the fridge is a Heine. Well -- I wish you:

(In Prague, on the river boat tour, two German nurses taught my nephew how to mix Urquell with Fanta. I thought I was going to puke. I thought Ninkasi was going to strike us all dead with lightning.)


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