News, Weather, Mozart, Sports, Eurovision Love Ænema & Perverted Videogames from Vleeptron

NGO_Vleeptron (aka "Bob from Massachusetts") recently featured LIVE on BBC WORLD SERVICE, heard briefly by Gazillions!!!

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Location: Great Boreal Deciduous Hardwood Forest, New England, United States

old dude, all hair, swell new teeth

29 March 2006

Dr. Luis Proenza replies

reply to * from Luis Proenza,
President of The University of Akron
Akron Ohio USA


I appreciate, Mr. Merkin . . .

. . . your candor and concern, and like you, I found the reports in the newspaper to be deeply disturbing. That is why I have ordered a thorough review of our law enforcement practices and our student judicial system, as well as an analysis of employee actions in this case.

I find it entirely unacceptable that a confidential informant was placed in our residence halls without my advance approval. The review will help to ensure that we do not allow a similar situation to occur ever again.

Mr. Plinton's death is a tragedy that saddens everyone at the University. It is likely that we will never know the exact reasons why he took his life. As the March 13 article in the Beacon Journal pointed out, a great deal transpired in Mr. Plinton's life in the 15 months after he left the University from Sept. 2004 to Dec. 2005. All can agree, however, that his life ended far too early.

With every good wish,


Luis Proenza


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