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18 May 2005

besbol game called on account of philosophical differences

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Roll Call
(non-government newspaper that covers US Congress and federal government stuff)
Tuesday 17 May 2005

Potheads vs. Narcs
By Mary Ann Akers
Roll Call Staff

It would have been the zaniest game of the softball season. But it seems the Narcs are too chicken to play a bunch of stoners.

The One Hitters, the softball team of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, claim they've been trying to play ball -- literally -- against the Office of National Drug Control Policy for years. Finally, this year, it looked like the Bush administration's ONDCP office, also known as the drug czar, was going to come through.

The game was all set for Wednesday, June 8, between the One Hitters and We Czar the Champions. But then the drug czar's office removed the game from their schedule, saying they couldn't muster enough players for that particular game. (They did, however, have enough players last week in their game against the Commerce Department.)

The One Hitters tried to reschedule, but the captain of We Czar the Champions said they were "booked through August."

Now the once-docile potheads are irate.

"Obviously one of the 'higher ups' at ONDCP saw the schedule and nixed the game," NORML's spokesman, Nick Thimmesch, told HOH. "Perhaps they were spooked by the notion of BYOB -- bring your own bong!"

Kris Krane, NORML's associate director and co-captain of the One Hitters, said: "For years the ONDCP has been unwilling to engage drug policy reformers in a serious debate on the issues. Now they even refuse to engage us in a friendly game of softball."

Tom Riley, a spokesman for the drug czar's office, said there was "no grand policy formulation" to dodge playing the One Hitters. He said the stoners couldn't possibly have tried to play We Czar the Champions for years, because the team is brand new.

"This just goes to show the effects of marijuana use on judgment and reasoning," Riley joked.
At first he toed the party line and blamed his team's decision not to play the One Hitters on a dearth of players. But then he thought better of it and decided it was a policy decision after all.

"I wouldn't think we would play any team that promotes drug use," Riley said, adding, "that includes teams that promote smoking meth or smoking crack."

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