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old dude, all hair, swell new teeth

11 December 2005

Pizzas have been awarded to sharp-eyed individual

You have about 24 hours to order this
from this site to get it delivered by Christmas.

A few days ago, using an Unauthorized Communication Channel (the phone), a Vleeptron reader, John DiP, informed Vleeptron that he had made some progress on the PizzaQ which asked why we had posted a page full of Nobel-Prize-winning gibberish. (It's Lucky's Speech from "Waiting for Godot" by the Irish playwright Samuel Beckett.)

Despite two hints, John DiP was the only person to notice that there was something Hidden In Plain Sight in Lucky's Speech: a name which was certainly not in Beckett's original, Marcia Yudkin.

John DiP wins the pizzas (and lives close enough that Vleeptron might actually have to buy them), because he got closer than anybody is likely to get about Why I posted this.

My town's daily newspaper is The Daily Hampshire Gazette, and each Friday it publishes a weekend magazine (Hampshire Life). In each HL, some member of the community is profiled and asked a bunch of questions. On Friday 2 December, the profile was of Marcia Yudkin, a former philosophy professor at my town's Smith College, who is now a website consultant and entrepreneur.

Dr. Yudkin was asked what her favorite website was, and she replied :

technorati is perhaps the oldest and most thorough and detailed Blog Search Engine, and Dr. Yudkin explained that she loves to visit technorati and search for her own name, to see how many other blogs are talking about her, her publications, her activities.

So I hid her name inside Lucky's Speech to see if it would show up on technorati (it did) and to see if Dr. Yudkin would wonder what the hell Vleeptron was doing tossing her name around the Blogosphere. (She hasn't e-mailed me or Left A Comment yet, maybe never will. The Comments that followed the PizzaQ were full of all kinds of wonderful philosophy, but perhaps Dr. Y. has put all that behind her and isn't interested anymore.)

But John DiP was able to read the post carefully enough to spot what was fishy in Lucky's Speech. The Pizzas have been won.


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