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26 October 2005

2,267,787 USA Prisoners (yearend 2004) -- WE'RE STILL NUMBER ONE!

prison bars

U.S. Department of Justice
Office of Justice Programs
Bureau of Justice Statistics

Prisoners in 2004

October 2005, NCJ 210677

This file is text only without graphics and many of the tables.
A Zip archive of the tables in this report in spreadsheet format
(.wk1) and the full report including tables and graphics in
.pdf format are available from:

This report is one in a series. More recent editions
may be available. To view a list of all in the series go to


By Paige M. Harrison and
Allen J. Beck, Ph.D.
BJS Statisticians



The Nation's prison population rose 1.9% in 2004

During 2004 --

* Ten States had increases of at least 5%, led
by Minnesota (up 11.4%), Idaho (up 11.1%), and Georgia (up 8.3%).

* Eleven States experienced prison population
decreases, led by Alabama (down 7.3%), Rhode
Island (down 2.8%), New York (down 2.2%), and
Maryland (down 2.1%).

* The number of inmates under State jurisdiction
increased by 20,759 inmates (1.6%). The number
under Federal jurisdiction increased 7,269 (4.2%).

* Inmates in private facilities increased 3.3%
(from 95,707 at yearend 2003 to 98,901 at yearend 2004).

* Federal inmates held in private facilities
increased 13.3% to 24,768.

On December 31, 2004 --

* Local jails housed 74,378 State and Federal
inmates (5.0% of all prisoners).

* State prisons were between 1% below capacity
and 15% above; Federal prisons were operating
at 40% above capacity.

* Women were 7.0% of all inmates,
up from 6.1% in 1995.

* About half of male State prison inmates were
serving time for a violent crime, compared to
a third of female inmates. Females were more
likely to have a drug offense(31.5%)
compared to males (20.7%).

* About 8.4% of black males between ages 25 and
29 were in State or Federal prison, compared to
2.5% of Hispanic males and 1.2% of white males
in the same age group.


The total number of prisoners under the jurisdiction
of Federal or State adult correctional authorities
was 1,496,629 at yearend 2004. During the year the
States added 20,759 prisoners and the Federal prison
system added 7,269 prisoners. Overall, the Nation's
prison population grew 1.9%, which was less than
the average annual growth of 3.2% since yearend 1995.

The rate of incarceration in prison at yearend
2004 was 486 sentenced inmates per 100,000 U.S.
residents -- up from 411 in 1995. About 1 in every
109 men and 1 in every 1,563 women were sentenced
prisoners under the jurisdiction of State or
Federal authorities.

Overall, the United States


persons at yearend 2004.
This total
represents persons held in --

-- Federal and State prisons
(1,421,911, which excludes State and Federal
prisoners in local jails)

-- territorial prisons (15,757)

-- local jails (713,990)

-- facilities operated by or exclusively for the
Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (9,788)

-- military facilities (2,177)

-- jails in Indian country (1,826 as of midyear 2003)

-- juvenile facilities (102,338 as of October 2002).

1 in every 138 U.S.
in prison or
jail at yearend 2004

On December 31, 2004, 1,421,911 inmates were in
the custody of State and Federal prison authorities,
and 713,990 were in the custody of local jail
authorities. (Custody is defined on page 11.) During
2004 the total incarcerated population increased
54,321, or 2.6% -- less than the average annual
increase since 1995 (3.4%). Including inmates in
public and privately operated facilities, the
number in State prisons increased 1.8% during
2004; the number in Federal prisons, 5.5%; and
in local jails, 3.3%.

The rate of incarceration in prison and jail
was 724 inmates per 100,000 residents in 2004,
up from 601 in 1995. At yearend 2004, 1 in
every 138 U.S. residents were incarcerated in
State or Federal prison or a local jail.

U.S. prison population rose 1.9% during 2004

In 2004 the growth in the number of inmates under
State or Federal jurisdiction (1.9%) was less
than the percentage increase recorded for 2003
(2.0%). (Jurisdiction is defined on page 11.) The
population under the jurisdiction of State and
Federal authorities increased by 28,028 inmates
during 2004, smaller than the increase in 2003
(up 28,457). Since December 31, 1995, the U.S.
prison population has grown an average of 46,220
inmates per year (3.2%).

The Federal prison population totaled 180,328 at
yearend 2004, up from 173,059 at yearend 2003.
About 12% of all prisoners held were serving
time in the Federal system.


At yearend 2004 15,757 inmates held in U.S. Territories

The U.S. Territories and Commonwealths --
American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands,
Puerto Rico, and Virgin Islands -- reported
15,757 inmates in the custody of their prison
systems at yearend 2004, a decrease of 4.5%
since 2003.

Prisoners with a sentence of more than 1 year
totaled 12,185 (more than three-quarters of
the total territorial prison population).

Relative to the resident populations in the
Territories, the rate of incarceration was
283 prisoners per 100,000 residents.

Of the 5 Territories, the U.S. Virgin Islands
had the highest prison incarceration rate (392
inmates per 100,000 residents), followed by
Puerto Rico (with 292). Puerto Rico, the largest
of the Territories, also held the largest number
of sentenced prisoners, 11,374 at yearend 2004.


10 States reported increases of at
least 5% during 2004; 11 States had decreases

Between January 1 and December 31, 2004,
Minnesota experienced the largest increase in
prison population (up 11.4%), followed by Idaho
(up 11.1%), Georgia (up 8.3%), and Nevada
(up 7.8%). Eleven States experienced a decline.
Alabama had the largest decline (down 7.3%),
followed by Rhode Island (down 2.8%), New York
(down 2.2%), and Maryland (down 2.1%). In absolute
numbers, four jurisdictions grew by at least
2,000 inmates during 2004. The Federal system (up
7,269), experienced the largest growth, followed
by Georgia (up 3,896), Florida (up 3,521), and
California (up 2,069). Alabama and New York had
the largest drop in inmates(down 2,026 and 1,447,

Overall, the number of inmates under jurisdiction
in the West grew 2.5%, followed by that in the
South (2.1%) and the Midwest (1.3%). The number
of inmates declined in the Northeast (down 1.4%).
In the same period the Federal system grew 4.2%.

The prison incarceration rate
reached 486 per 100,000 residents
in 2004, up from 411 in 1995

Eleven States exceeded the national prison
incarceration rate of 486 per 100,000 residents,
led by Louisiana (816), Texas (694), Mississippi
(669), and Oklahoma (649). Eight States,
including Maine (148), Minnesota (171), and
Rhode Island (175), had rates that were less
than half the national rate.

Since 1995 the sentenced inmate population in
State prisons has had an average growth of 3.1%
per year. During this period 16 States had an
average annual growth of at least 5%, led by
North Dakota (up 9.6%), Wisconsin (up 8.5%),
and West Virginia (up 8.2%). Between 1995 and
2004 the Federal system grew an average of
7.4% per year, an average annual increase of
8,386 inmates.

During 2004 the number of female
prisoners rose 4.0% -- more than
twice the 1.8%-increase among men

During 2004 the number of women under the
jurisdiction of State or Federal prison
authorities increased 4.0%

The number of men in prison rose 1.8%.

At yearend 2004, 104,848 women and
1,391,781 men were in prison.

From 1995 to 2004 the annual growth
of the female inmate population
averaged 4.8%, higher than the 3.1%
increase in male inmate population.

By yearend 2004 women accounted for
7.0% of all prisoners, up from 6.1%
in 1995 and 5.7% in 1990.

Relative to their number in the U.S. resident
population, men were over 14 times more likely
than women to be incarcerated in a State or Federal
prison. At yearend 2004 there were 64 sentenced
female inmates per 100,000 women in the United
States, compared to 920 sentenced male inmates
per 100,000 men.

Since 1995 the total number of male prisoners has
grown nearly 32%; the number of female prisoners,
53%. At yearend 2004, 1 in every 1,563 women and
1 in every 109 men were incarcerated in a State
or Federal prison.

Over a third of female prisoners held
in the 3 largest jurisdictions

Texas (13,958), the Federal system (12,164),
and California (11,188) held more than a
third of all female inmates. Oklahoma
(129 sentenced female inmates per 100,000
female residents), Mississippi (107),
and Louisiana (103) had the highest female
incarceration rates.
States with the lowest female
incarceration rates were concentrated in the
Northeast -- Rhode Island and Massachusetts (each
with 11 sentenced female prisoners per 100,000
female residents), and Maine and New Hampshire (both with 18).

Eleven States had an average annual increase of
more than 10% between 1995 and 2004, led by North
Dakota (18.0%), Montana (17.4%), and West Virginia
(15.1%). During this period the State female prison
population increased an average of 4.7% per year;
the Federal female prison population increased
5.7% per year.

Privately operated prisons held 6.6%
of State and Federal inmates in 2004

At yearend 2004, 34 States and the Federal system
reported a total of 98,901 prisoners held in
privately operated facilities. Private facilities
held 5.6% of all State prisoners and 13.7% of
Federal prisoners. Among States, Texas (with
16,668 State inmates housed in private facilities)
and Oklahoma (with 5,905) reported the largest
populations in 2004.

Six States had at least 25% of their prison
population housed in private prisons, led by New
Mexico(42%), Alaska(31%), Montana (30%), Wyoming
and Hawaii(both 28%), and Oklahoma(25%). At
yearend 2004, 8.1% of State inmates in the South
and 6.4% in the West were in privately operated
facilities, compared to 2.0% in the Northeast
and 1.4% in the Midwest.

Since yearend 2000 the number of Federal inmates
in private facilities has increased 60%, while the
number held in State facilities has decreased 1.3%.
As a percentage of all inmates under State and
Federal jurisdiction, the number held in private
facilities has remained stable (6.6%).

In 2004 local jails held 5% of State and Federal prisoners

At the end of 2004, 32 States and the Federal
system reported a total of 74,378 State and
Federal prisoners held in jails or other
facilities operated by county or local
authorities. These inmates held in local jails
represented 5% of all prisoners in 2004.

Louisiana had the largest percentage of its State
inmate population housed in local jails (47%).
Four other States -- led by Kentucky (29%) and
Tennessee (25%) -- had at least a fifth of their
population housed in local jail facilities.

About 85% of prisoners held in local jails were
in the South (62,966). Overall, the South held
10.5% of prisoners in local jails, followed by
the West(1.8%), the Midwest (1.3%), and the
Northeast (0.9%).

From yearend 2000 to 2004 the number of Federal
inmates held in local jails declined by about
50%, while the number of State inmates in local
jails rose about 20%.

24 States and Federal system
prisons at or above highest capacity

To estimate the capacity of their prisons,
jurisdictions were asked to supply three measures
for capacity at yearend 2004: rated, operational,
and design capacities. These measures were
defined as follows:

Rated capacity is the number of beds or inmates
assigned by a rating official to institutions
within the jurisdiction.

Operational capacity is the number of inmates
that can be accommodated, based on a facility's
staff, existing programs, and services.

Design capacity is the number of inmates that
planners or architects intended for the facility.

Twenty-one jurisdictions gave only 1 measure or
the same figure for each measure. For the 28
jurisdictions with more than 1 reported type of
capacity, estimates of population as a percent
of capacity are based on the highest and lowest
figures provided. At yearend 2004, 25 States
reported operating below 100% of their highest
capacity, and 24 States and the Federal prison
system, at 100% or more of their highest capacity.

Mississippi, at 74% of its highest capacity,
reported the lowest percent of capacity occupied.
Alabama, 105% over lowest reported capacity,
had the highest percent of capacity occupied.
At yearend 2004 the Federal prison system was
operating at 40% over capacity. Overall, State
prisons were operating between 99% of their
highest capacity and 115% of their lowest

60% of State and Federal inmates
black or Hispanic at yearend 2004

At yearend 2004 black inmates represented an
estimated 41% of all inmates with a sentence
of more than 1 year, while white inmates
accounted for 34% and Hispanic inmates, 19%.

Although the total number of sentenced inmates rose
sharply (up 32% between 1995 and 2004), the racial
and Hispanic composition of the inmate population
changed only slightly. At yearend 2004 black males
(551,300) outnumbered white males (449,300) and
Hispanic males (260,600) among inmates with a
sentence of more than 1 year. More than 40% of all
sentenced male inmates were black.

Comparisons with previous estimates of inmates by
race and Hispanic origin are complicated by new
collection practices. Following guidelines
provided by the Office of Management and Budget,
estimates in 2004 were made separately for persons
identifying with one race (97.1%) and those
identifying with two or more races (2.9%).
Adoption of these guidelines reduced the number
and percentage of inmates identified as non-
Hispanic white and black.

An estimated 8.4% of black males,
age 25-29, in prison in 2004

When incarceration rates are estimated separately
by age group, black males in their twenties and
thirties are found to have high rates relative to
other groups. Expressed in terms of percentages,
8.4% of black males age 25 to 29 were in prison
on December 31, 2004, compared to 2.5% of Hispanic
males and about 1.2% of white males in the same
age group. Although incarceration rates drop with
age, the percentage of black males age 45 to 54 in
prison in 2004 was still nearly 3.3% -- higher
than the highest rate (2.5%) among Hispanic males
(age 25 to 29)and more than twice the highest rate
(1.2%) among white males (age 25 to 29).

Female incarceration rates, though substantially
lower than male incarceration rates at every age,
reveal similar racial and ethnic disparities.
Black females (with an incarceration rate of 170
per 100,000) were more than twice as likely as
Hispanic females (75 per 100,000) and 4 times as
likely as white females (42 per 100,000) to be in
prison on December 31, 2004. These differences
among white, black, and Hispanic females were
consistent across all age groups.

Violent offenders made up half of
State prisoners in 2002

In absolute numbers, an estimated 624,900 inmates
in State prison at yearend 2002 (the latest available
data) were held for violent offenses: 148,300 for
murder, 170,900 for robbery, 116,900 for assault,
and 142,000 for rape and other sexual assaults. In
addition, 253,000 inmates were held for property
offenses, 265,000 for drug offenses, and 87,500 for
public-order offenses.

Overall, the proportion of violent offenders
increased from 46.5% in 1995 to 50.5% in 2002.
Property offenders decreased from about 23% in
1995 to 20.4% in 2002; drug offenders remained
stable around 21%.

Offenses of State prisoners
varied by gender, race, and
Hispanic origin

About half of male State prisoners were serving
time for a violent offense in 2002, compared to
a third of female prisoners. Women were more
likely to be serving time for property and drug
offenses (28.7% and 31.5%, respectively) than
males (19.9% and 20.7%).

Offense types also varied by race and Hispanic
origin. Approximately half of white, black, and
Hispanic State inmates were violent offenders.
White prisoners were more likely to be serving
time for a property offense (26.4%), compared to
blacks (17.6%) and Hispanics (15.7%). Drug
offenders made up a larger portion of Hispanic
State inmates (27.4%) than of black inmates
(25.1%) or white inmates (14.8%).

Changing Federal prison population
related to drug and immigration

Prisoners sentenced for drug offenses
constituted the largest group of Federal
inmates (55%) in 2003, down from 60% in 1995.

On September 30, 2003, the date of the latest
available data in the Federal Justice Statistics
Program, Federal prisons held 86,972 sentenced drug
offenders, compared to 52,782 at yearend 1995.

Between 1995 and 2003 the number of Federal inmates
held for public-order offenses increased 170%, most
of which was the increase in immigration offenses
(up 394%). The number of immigration offenders
rose from 3,420 in 1995 to 16,903 in 2003.
Immigration violators represented over 10% of
Federal inmates in 2003.

The number of weapons offenders held in Federal
prisons increased about 120% (from 7,446 to
16,377)between 1995 and 2003 and represented
about 10% of the inmate population in 2003.

Violent offenders under Federal jurisdiction
increased 46% from 1995 to 2003, and accounted
for almost 8% of the total growth during the
period. Homicide offenders increased 146%, from
1,068 in 1995 to 2,632 in 2003.

While the number of offenders in each major offense
category increased, the number incarcerated for a
drug offense accounted for the largest percentage
of the total growth(49%), followed by public-order
offenders (38%).


The number of Immigration and Customs
detainees dropped 19% during 2004

The U.S. Bureau of Immigration and Customs
Enforcement (ICE), reported 19,057 detainees
on December 31, 2004, down from 23,514 at yearend
2003. Nearly two-thirds of these detainees(11,570)
were held in Federal and State prisons and local
jails, and about a third were held in ICE-operated
facilities (4,545) and private facilities under
exclusive contract to the ICE (1,678).

The number of detainees under ICE jurisdiction
more than doubled between 1995 and 2004. This
increase most affected State prisons, local jails,
and other facilities maintaining intergovernmental
agreements with ICE; they held 11,570 detainees in
2004, up from 2,286 in 1995.

Among the 19,057 ICE detainees for immigration
violations at yearend 2004, 10,931 had been
convicted of criminal offenses, and 1,402 had
pending criminal cases (not shown in table).
Detainees convicted of violent offenses (32.1%)
and drug offenses (30.1%) constituted the largest
groups under ICE jurisdiction, followed by
property offenses (15.5%) and public-order
offenses (14.1%).


Number of prisoners held by military authorities
nearly unchanged during 2004

There were 2,177 prisoners under military
jurisdiction at yearend 2004. Fifty-nine percent
of the prisoners held by the Army, Air Force,
Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard had sentences
of 1 year or more. At yearend 2004 the Army's
Disciplinary Barracks, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas,
and five other local or regional Army facilities
held the largest share of inmates under military
jurisdiction (46%). The 11 Navy facilities held
30% of all inmates; the 6 Marine Corps facilities
held 19% of all inmates; and the 34 Air Force
facilities held 5% of all inmates.

The operational capacity of the 56 military
confinement facilities was 3,290 (not shown in
a table). At yearend 2004 these facilities were
operating at 66% of their operational capacity.
About 88% of prisoners held by the Army, Air
Force, Navy, and Marine Corps were convicted
inmates; 12% were unconvicted persons.



National Prisoner Statistics

The Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS), with the
U.S. Census Bureau as its collection agent,
obtains yearend and midyear counts of prisoners
from departments of correction in each of the 50
States and the Federal Bureau of Prisons.

The National Prisoner Statistics (NPS) distinguishes
prisoners in custody from those under jurisdiction.
To have custody of a prisoner, a State must hold that
person in one of its facilities. To have jurisdiction
means that a State has legal authority over the
prisoner. Prisoners under a State's jurisdiction
may be in the custody of a local jail, another State's
prison, or other correctional facility. Some States
are unable to provide both custody and jurisdiction

Excluded from NPS counts are persons confined in
locally administered confinement facilities who are
under the jurisdiction of local authorities. NPS
counts include all inmates in State-operated
facilities in Alaska, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii,
Rhode Island, and Vermont, which have combined jail-
prison systems.

NPS excludes inmates held by the District of
Columbia (DC), which as of yearend 2001 operated
only a jail system.

Military Corrections Statistics

BJS obtains yearend counts of prisoners in the
custody of U.S. military authorities from the
Department of Defense Corrections Council. In 1994
the council, comprised of representatives from each
branch of military service, adopted a standardized
report (DD Form 2720) with a common set of items
and definitions. This report gives data on persons
held in U.S. military confinement facilities inside
and outside the continental United States, by branch
of service, gender, race, Hispanic origin, conviction
status, sentence length, and offense. It also has data
on the number of facilities, and their design and rated

Other inmate counts

In 1995 BJS began collecting yearend counts of
prisoners from the departments of correction in
the U.S. Territories (American Samoa, Guam, and
U.S. Virgin Islands) and U.S. Commonwealths
(Northern Mariana Islands and Puerto Rico). These
counts include all inmates for whom the Territory
or Commonwealth government had legal authority
(inmates under jurisdiction) and all inmates
physically located in prison or jail facilities
(inmates in custody). These counts are collected
by gender, race, Hispanic origin, and sentence
length. In addition, BJS obtains reports of the
total design, rated, and operational capacity of
correctional facilities.

Estimating age-specific incarceration rates

The number of sentenced prisoners within each
group was estimated for men, women, whites, blacks,
and Hispanics. In 2004 estimates were produced
separately for inmates under State jurisdiction by
combining data by gender from NPS and advance
data from the 2003-04 Survey of Inmates in State
Correctional Facilities.

The Federal Justice Statistics Program (FJSP)
provided counts of sentenced Federal inmates by
age for each demographic group at the end of
fiscal year 2003. The NPS provided counts of
sentenced Federal inmates by gender at yearend
2004 and counts by race and Hispanic origin at
midyear 2004. The FJSP counts were converted to
percentages and multiplied by the NPS totals at
yearend 2004.

Estimates of the U.S. resident population for July 1,
2004, by age, gender, race and Hispanic origin were
obtained from the U.S. Census Bureau. Age-specific
rates of incarceration for each demographic group
were calculated by dividing the estimated number of
sentenced prisoners in each age group by the
number of U.S. residents in each age group and then
multiplying by 100,000. Detailed categories exclude
persons identifying with two or more races. Totals by
gender include all inmates and U.S. residents,
regardless of racial identification.


The Bureau of Justice Statistics is the
statistical agency of the U.S. Department
of Justice. Lawrence A. Greenfeld is the

BJS Bulletins present the first release of
findings from permanent data collection
programs such as the National Prisoner

Paige M. Harrison and Allen J. Beck wrote this
report. Jennifer C. Karberg and Timothy A. Hughes
provided statistical assistance and verification.
Tom Hester and Carolyn C. Williams edited the
report. Jayne Robinson administered final production.

Data collection and processing for the NPS program
were carried out by Theresa M. Reitz and Pamela H.
Butler under the supervision of Charlene M. Sebold,
Governments Division, Census Bureau, U.S.
Department of Commerce.

Lauren E. Glaze and Christopher J. Mumola
collected and processed data on prisoners in
the U.S. Territories, in U.S. military
facilities, and in facilities operated by or
for the Bureau of Immigration and Customs

October 2005, NCJ 210677


This report in portable document
Format and in ASCII, its tables, and
Related statistical data are available
At the BJS World Wide Web InInternetite:


NPS jurisdiction notes

Alaska -- Prisons and jails form one integrated
system. All NPS data include jail and prison
populations. Counts exclude individuals in
electronic and special monitoring programs.

Arizona -- Population counts are based on custody
data. Counts exclude 55 sentenced inmates housed
in contracted local jail facilities, some awaiting
transfer to the DOC.

The definition of operational capacity has
changed to include temporary beds and double
bunks used in situations of crowding.

California -- Population counts include felons
and civil addicts who are temporarily absent,
such as in court, jail or hospital.

Colorado -- Population counts include 214 male
and 1 female inmate in the Youthful Offender System.

Capacity figures exclude 6 privately run facilities
under contract with the Department of Corrections.
Connecticut -- Prisons and jails form one integrated
system. All NPS data include jail and prison

Legislation in 1995 abolished the capacity law
so that prisons no longer have a rated or
operational capacity. Design capacity is recorded
separately in each facility.

Delaware -- Prisons and jails form one integrated
system. All NPS data include jail and prison
populations. Jurisdiction counts exclude inmates
housed in facilities in other States.

Capacity counts include Department of Correction
halfway houses.

Federal -- Custody counts include inmates housed
in privately operated secure facilities under
contract with BOP or with State or local
government that has an intergovernmental agreement.
Custody counts exclude offenders under home

Rated capacity excludes contract beds.

Georgia -- Population counts are based on custody
data, including inmates in privately operated

Facilities in Georgia are not given rated or
design capacities.

Hawaii -- Prisons and jails form one integrated
system. All NPS data include jail and prison

Idaho -- Rated capacity is defined as 100% of the
maximum capacity; operational capacity as 95%
of the maximum (except in one facility which is

Illinois -- Population counts are based on
jurisdiction data. Counts of inmates with a
sentence of more than 1 year include an
undetermined number with a sentence of 1 year.

Iowa -- Population counts are based on custody
data. Counts of inmates with a sentence of more
than 1 year include an undetermined number with
a sentence of 1 year or less.

Kansas -- Population counts of inmates with a
sentence of more than 1 year include an
undetermined number with a sentence of 1 year
or less.

Louisiana -- Counts are as of December 29, 2004.
Counts include 16,069 males and 1,400 females housed
in local jails as a result of a partnership with the
Louisiana Sheriffs' Association and local authorities.

Massachusetts -- By law, offenders may be sentenced
to terms of up to 2½ years in locally operated jails.
Such offenders are included in counts and rates for
local jails. About 6,200 inmates with sentences of
more than 1 year were held in local jails in 2004.

Michigan -- Operational capacity includes
institution and camp net capacities and
populations in community programs.

Minnesota -- Custody numbers include ICE and
U.S. Marshal contract prisoners.

Mississippi -- Operation and design capacities
include private prison capacities.

Missouri -- Design capacities are not available
for older prisons. Operational capacity is defined
as the number of available beds including those
temporarily off-line.

Montana -- Counts include 278 inmates under intensive
supervision in the community. Capacity figures
include 2 county operated regional prisons (an
estimated 300 beds), 1 private prison (500 beds),
and a State operated boot camp (60 beds).

Nebraska -- Operational capacity is defined as
stress capacity (or 125% of design capacity),
which is ordered by the governor and set by the
Department of Corrections.

Nevada -- Rated capacity is defined as emergency
capacity. Design capacity is defined as one bed per cell.

New Jersey -- Population counts of inmates with
a sentence of more than 1 year include an
undetermined number with a sentence of 1 year.

New Mexico -- Operational capacity includes the
maximum number of contracted beds in private facilities.

North Carolina -- Capacity figures refer to
standard operating capacity, based on single
occupancy per cell and 50 square feet per
inmate in multiple occupancy units.

Ohio -- Population counts of inmates with a
sentence of more than 1 year include an
undetermined number with a sentence of 1 year or less.

Oklahoma -- Population counts of inmates with
a sentence of more than 1 year include an
undetermined number with a sentence of 1 year.

Capacity figures include private prisons and
contract jails.

Oregon -- Inmates with under a 1 year maximum
sentence remain under the control of local counties.

Rhode Island -- Prisons and jails form one
integrated system. All NPS data include jail
and prison populations. Custody numbers for
2003 and 2004 are not comparable.

South Carolina -- Population counts include 60
inmates who were unsentenced, under safekeeping,
or ICE status.

South Dakota -- Operational capacity is planned
capacity. Rated and design capacities are not recognized.

Tennessee -- Population counts of inmates with
a sentence of more than 1 year include an
undetermined number with a sentence of 1 year.

Texas -- Jurisdiction counts include inmates
serving time in a pre-parole transfer (PPT) or
intermediary sanctions facility (ISF), substance
abuse felony punishment facility (SAFPF),
temporary releases to counties, and paper-ready
inmates in local jails.

Capacity figures include public, privately
operated, and county contracted facilities
that are State funded. Non-contracted county
jail beds are excluded.

Vermont -- Prisons and jails form one integrated
system. All NPS data include jail and prison populations.

Virginia -- Rated capacity is the DOC count of
beds, which takes into account the number of
inmates that can be accommodated based on staff,
programming, services, and design.

Washington -- A recently revised law allows
increasing numbers of inmates with sentences
of less than 1 year to be housed in prison.

Wisconsin -- Operational capacity excludes
contracted local jails, Federal, other State,
and private facilities.

End of file
10/17/05 ih


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